Product Development

JUNGDESIGN has been established as a free-lance Industrial design consultancy specialising in the design and development of commercially produced Consumable products. Historically JUNGDESIGN has worked with all manor of clients from individual entrepreneurs such as Peak Products (5 Litre Jug) thru to international companies including McDonalds, Air New Zealand, Telstra AUS.

More latterly working with Fingermark Global, and currently with the international brand ‘WWF’ developing a ‘system for the improvement and protection of New Zealand’s biodiverse environment.

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5 Litre Measuring Jug

Commissioned by Peak Products in 1986 to develop a Commercial measuring Jug that addressed the issues of Stack-ability (Export), Raised calibration (ease of readability) and dual spout that facilitated pourability for both dry and wet content. The 305 years later product is still product. Being produced for an international market and has sold over 500,00 units in its history

Proof that good design stands the test of time’.

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'Eye-Que' Airport security system

In 2018 while working for Air New Zealand on the upgrade of their nationally based Airport terminals – I noted a Fundamental Fault in their FOH security system.
I approached Fingermark Global to look at the design of an A. I system to rectify the issue. I briefed Fingermark and worked with their Tech team over 18 months spending some $150k in development funds to develop a trial and test run the system.
Though the new A.I. system proved to be very effective, ultimately AirNZ chose not to run with the proposal sitting ongoing running costs a barrier into the market.

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Labelling System

Developed for a team of independent DHB Anaesthetists an a quick and accurate labelling system for Drug bags dispatched on hospital trolleys as part of the daily surgical routine. During a day of operations within the Hospital the days usage drugs are loaded on a trolley and dispatched to the surgery. Most bags on the day are opened but not fully dispensed – however once opened the bag loses its identification label the hospital staff are left with quickly handwriting and cello-taping the name onto the opened bag – difficult, poorly adhered, and often illegible the partial filled bags of expensive drugs end up being thrown out - an expensive waste. Hence the opportunity for a quick and easy pre-printed label dispensing System JUNGDESIGN developed a concept created the drawing and oversaw the manufacture on behalf of the client – ‘Problem solved ‘.

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Egg splitter system

Created in 2000 in conjunction with McDonald’s Fast Foods – both NZ and AUS divisions became involved with the development product. Salmonella food poisoning can cause severe illness even death in those that digest this contaminate. The virus is carried on a number of food stuffs and in McDonald’s case on the shell of the domestic egg. In Australia McDonalds Staff handle over 60 million eggs per annum hence the possibility of\ infection occurring is considerable. A published outbreak of Salmonella in a local branch could cost the McDonald's brand millions in the downturn of sales. The system was developed – on and off - over a period of 5 years and was created to allow for Eggs to be, delivered to, and process thru the restaurant without any staff member actually touching the shell of an egg.

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Ericsson Phone System

Commissioned by Ericsson International -thru their local NZ agent we were asked to develop a casing to carry their recently developed phone ‘splitter’ system developed for use in high density populated lower economic regions thru-out the south Pacific. The casing was designed for ease of installation on standard wooden power poles found in the suburban communities. The main line was fed into the box and would allow for up to 10 sub lines to be fed out of the boxes directly connecting the local apartment users to connect to the regional phone networks without having to supply dedicated installation system i.e., additional power poles.


VPS - Vine Pod System

The VPS system is currently a ‘work in progress. The concept was developed by JUNGDESIGN and is currently partnering with a number of interested parties including WWF (NZ) Auckland City (Biodiversity) and Unitec.

The object of the project has been to create a delivery system for Herbicide/s to be used safely and effectively for purpose of the eradication of pest Vines that are currently causing mass destruction within New Zealand’s Native Flora and Forna. The product will develop predetermined precise volumes of Herbicide to the vine with no wastage or environmental Fouling and with no human contact with the Herbicide.

Note: All in information, Text, Illustrations, & Graphics on the VPS – Vine Pod System is covered under the New Zealand Copyright Act and remains the sole property JUNGDESIGN Ltd


David JUNG
Director / Industrial Designer