Vine Pod Systems

Project Statement

If this system creates opportunities for cleaner waterways & better Biodiverse Environments Then we are obligated to see this project through to completion.

The VPS System has been developed as a safe and effective Herbicide delivery system, delivering specific Herbicides thru to the root of the intended plant. With the express Purpose of eradicating pest vines – plants such as Jasmine and English Ivy. The process works with the plants natural Phloem process which translocates liquids down thru the plant to its roots. The Systems’ VPS POD is preloaded with a prescribed herbicide mix and attached to the stem of the Pest Vine and the process begins. The eradication process takes approx. 3 weeks to take effect and complete.

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Where it all started

In 2015 I noted 3 Palms on my property were quickly being invaded by English Ivy (a common NZ occurrence) I remembered a process seen years earlier and grabbing some small containers filled them with domestic herbicide and attached them to 2 of the Palms. Returning to the site 2 months later I found the 2 Palms completely stripped of the Ivy, yet the 3rd Palm (not trialled) completed encased in the Vine - see the attached image. Based on this simplistic trial I began an investigation to determine –

  1. Is there positive evidence that this principle actually works

  2. If yes could the concept be converted into a viable commercial product

The journey of the Vine POD System had begun.


VPS - Vine Pod System

The VPS (Vine Pod System) is a work in progress Currently working with a number of interested partners WWF (World Wildlife Fund) NZ, Unitech University and Auckland City – Biodiversity team – with the objective to develop a delivery system to supply controlled Herbicides into pest Vines for the purpose of eradicating these vines safely and effectively. The systems VPS POD – pictured – which is preloaded with a prescribed herbicide mix is attached to the stem of the pest vine and the process begins. The eradication process takes approx. 2 to 3 weeks to complete

Positive outcomes;

  1. Complete eradication of the vine including the root

  2. Only the required volume of herbicide required is used

  3. No other plant, or insect is affected by the process

  4. No human or animal contact with the Herbicide

  5. Once completed the VPS system Bio-composts

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POD Details

The accompanying cross-section of the Pod shows the  detail of the 3-piece design and the interlocking detail that makes the Pod a child proof unit, locking in the herbicide  within the pod once its loaded. The second image demonstrates the scale of the Pod approx. actual size being 30mm x 20mm in Diameter.

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Pod installation

Installation instruction sheet.

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POD Application

Before and After

The Photo on the top left of the image has been taken on the day of the application. You can see the Pod that has been applied to the Palm in the bottom of the image. The second photo on the lower right of the image was taken 3 weeks after the initial installation. Note the vine has been completely eradicated.


David JUNG
Director / Industrial Designer


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